Summer Leaves Shadow

I am everything. I am what I need.

As a child I became very aware that I have a little bit of a stronger tie to my spiritual and ​intuitive abilities. During those early years, I could not really understand it and more ​often would ignore it. Was it fear? No, I never felt fear of any of it, it was more so that I did ​not understand what my role was in this world and why I seemed to attract these ​beautiful callings.

Going through many, of what we call “obstacles” in life from early childhood, I ​constantly found myself conquering them with a very different understanding than most ​around me.

I began to notice that I was the calling to others around me; family, friends, co-workers ​and sometimes even people I did not know would come to me and tell me that I make them ​feel better, or help them see clearly… I would bring them peace. I just couldn’t ​understand why, because sometimes I felt as though I did nothing but be present for them. I ​found that animals seemed to be drawn to me, even those that typically run and keep a ​distance from humans …..would somehow just stroll up and hang out. Especially winged ​animals and creatures (which has not been my favorite!) I soon had other healers, ​psychics and Masters telling me that I am a natural healer and to follow my calling.

Finally, going through yet another one of life’s “obstacles” I embarked on a journey of ​self-discovery, self-love and inner-peace at which point, I discovered Reiki. My Reiki ​journey began with me as a patient receiving Reiki Treatments regularly, I began to see the ​healing benefits of Reiki and the outcome of these treatments. In my final session as a ​patient, my practitioner told me that I have a calling and if I take that path it will be ​greatness! I soon after began to realize I already knew Reiki I just didn’t know where it ​came from or understand what it was! I was practicing Reiki naturally, without any ​guidance or lessons!

I want to live my life flowing with Reiki and help others through their journeys!

~Patricia Quinteros